Ale bana

Bideetatik sorora
sartu zen sasia,
itzalera behartuz
lur landu guzia.
Baina hor izan dira
sega, atxur, laia…
berreskuratu nahian
aurreko bizia.
Nahiz ta izotzak erre
ernetzen hasia,
beti izan da berriz
nork erein hazia

Eskuak eskuetan,
bihotzak kantari,
begiak ozertzean
so eguzkiari.

Sasi denen gainetik
bideak zabalduz,
ametsa lortu leike
elkarri lagunduz.

Batzuentzat ez dadin
beti karga dana,
eramango al dugu
denok ale bana.

Erne den azken uzta
heltzen ari zaigu,
landare orlegitik
urre gariburu.
Izotz eta sasitik
gorde behar dugu.
Denok auzo-lanean
ekingo diogu.
errota eta laba
martxan baditugu,
Askatasun ogia
dasta dezakegu

From paths to pasture
the brushweed springs,
imposing shade
on all tillage.
But there they are,
hoe, shovel, scythe…
wanting to retrieve
their earlier life.
Despite the ice burn,
sprouting’s begun,
there’s always been someone
to sow the seed.

Hand in hand,
with singing hearts,
eyes on horizon
agaze at the sun.

Over all brushweed
opening paths,
the dream could come true
with each other’s help.

So the whole burden
doesn’t fall on the least,
we’ll all of us carry
one grain each.

Our lively last harvest
is on its way,
from a green planting
gold wheat ear.
We have to keep it
from ice and weed.
With all of our neighbors
we’ll take up the job,
our mill and our oven
are already at work,
we can taste the bread
of Freedom.

Euskal Karaokeen bilduma, KARAOKETEKA:
Euskal musikaren txokoa karaoke formatuan.
Basque music