Suaren lurraldea (Incursed)

Suaren lurraldea (Incursed)

Asier Amo: Drums
Asier Fernandez: Lead guitars
Juan Sampedro: Bass
Narot Santos: Vocals, rhythm guitars
Jon Koldo Tera: Vocals, keyboards

– Alfonso Álvarez
– Santos G.
– Adolfo WB

Produced by: WARBANNER (

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Twitter: @IncursedBand


Bazen behin leku bat, guztien artean erregina
eguzkia zen errege, gogorapenen ipuina
galduta nagoenean, munduaren iparorratz
bakea behar dudanean, nire pausoen norakoa

Suaren lurraldea da nik maite dudana
ez baitago parekorik mundu zabalean

Sua da nire odol, beroa nire indarra
nire lurraldearen ibarretan aurkituko dut bizia
beti dira ohoretsu gizonen bihotz taupadak
seme eta alaba guztien benetako amalurra


Suaren lurraldea da nik maite dudana
ez baitago parekorik mundu zabalean
suaren lurraldea da nire hilerria
heriotzaren ostean, jaiotze berria

THE LAND OF FIRE (English translation)

Once there was a land, the queen amongst them all
and sun was the king in a tale of memories
everytime I wander lost, it becomes my compass
everytime I search for peace, my footsteps will lead there

The land of fire is the land I love
as there is no equal throughout the wide world

Fire is my blood, heat is my strength
in the valleys of my land I shall find life
the heartbeats of its men are always honorable
in the one and only homeland for all of its offspring


The land of fire is the land I love
as there is no equal throughout the wide world
the land of fire is my graveyard
an everlasting new birth after death

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